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Spirit Games (Est. 1984) - Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures and scenery, new and traditional board and card games for the last 20 years sells Founders of Gloomhaven

Founders of Gloomhaven


In Stock
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Was £62.99, Now £48.00
The city of Gloomhaven was not always a bustling hub of commerce and intrigue. Hundreds of years ago, it was nothing but the ruins of a long-dead civilization. But as the humans spread across the map, making a tenuous peace with the Valraths in the south, the Inox and Vermlings of the forest, the Savvas deep in the mountains, and the Orchids and Quatryls across the ocean, plans were drawn forth to build a town on the eastern shore. It was to be a symbol of the many races working in harmony.

This is the story of that endeavour.

In Founders of Gloomhaven, players will lead a race of Gloomhaven residents in an effort to be the most influential contributor to the city's construction. Through card-based action selection, players will leverage their own resources and the resources of other players to construct advanced resources and prestige buildings on a shared city board.


  • 1 double-sided map board, plus 2 secondary boards and 9 player boards
  • 75 building tiles
  • 93 cards
  • 150 influence, road, and money tokens
  • 9 playable races with nearly 400 wooden player pieces

Founders of Gloomhaven is a fully-contained game that does not require Gloomhaven to play.

Reviews Review Game There is no review for this game at the moment why not be the first to review it (you never know you might win a prize)?

Founders of Gloomhaven by Board Game Geek Link for more Reviews

5% over £50
10% over £100

These volume discounts are in addition to sale and special offer prices.

Related Tags
Playing Time
2 hours
Game Type
Deck Building
Strategy Games
Variable Powers
Worker Placement
Cephalofair Games
No. Players
1-4 Players
Isaac Childres
Reduced Items
12 +
Manufacturer's Code

Spirit Games (Est. 1984, Lefglow Ltd) - Supplying role playing games (RPG), wargames rules, miniatures and scenery, new and traditional board and card games for the last 41 years

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